Monthly Archives: October 2016

GT Legends

Softball season is officially done for me. I have to miss our final game of the season next week because I will be in North Carolina photographing a wedding so tonight was it. Of course, what last game would it be without it being our double-double? We played 4 games in one evening and I’m exhausted!

My husband took photos at several of the games, and I’m so thankful. It is awesome to be able to have these memories. Plus, I had a blast and although we never won a game, I still made some killer plays and played my heart out! I even exceeded my goal – I only wanted to make it all the way home once, and I managed to do it twice in the same game tonight!

At times it was very hard to manage my diabetes while playing. I noticed right away that the adrenaline sends me sky high during a game. I had to wear my pump, Dexcom receiver, Pebble watch and iPhone on me at all times because if I left my dex or phone in the dugout, the Bluetooth would go out of range. If I gave myself an insulin correction for the high, it wouldn’t budge and I’d end up low in the middle of the night while sleeping.

However, I proved to myself (and everyone else!) that I can still play a sport even with diabetes.


Plus, our team BY FAR had the most fun of all the other teams this season. That’s a win in my book.

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