Monthly Archives: September 2018

013. Pumpkin Run.. Minus the Pumpkin and the Run

A few weeks ago, my coworker Lona tagged me on a post on Facebook for a virtual run. Unfortunately, Lona is injured and can’t run right now, but my friend Amanda saw the post and asked me if I wanted to do the run with her. Of course, I said yes!

She and her son Vallen came down to my neck of the woods and we set out to do our 3.1 miles. We ran for about .25 miles of it and then walked and chatted the rest of the way.

It was long and slow, but the weather was perfect tonight in the park, and the conversation was even better. I think this is my favorite part about running – It connects people, or in my case, reconnects.

I also love the swag! My jacket shipped today and we’ll receive the medal in November.

If you want to do this run virtually, you can still sign up here.

Thanks Amanda and Vallen for doing this with me so I can check off another 5K for the year!

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