Tag Archives: Michigan

011. When You Think You’re Going To Place… And You’re Not Even Close

For 2018 I’m trying to run a 5k every month. (Recap of May and June here) So today was my July race.

It was put on by a group called Run Michigan Cheap who are doing a ton of races all over Michigan this year. This was their 3rd of 4 events in Kalamazoo this year, on the Kal-Haven Trail.

There was no chip timing, the t-shirts were generic, the “official” race photos left something to be desired, and the medals weren’t super fancy, but for the price, I couldn’t beat it! (And I won’t ever pass up a finishers medal race).

The course was a down-and-back with a mostly flat scenic trail on crushed rock (thank goodness because we’ve been having insanely hard rains for the last three days). There was a 5k, 10k and half marathon, but there weren’t any mile markers until “5k turn” signaling my turn-around point.

It was humid, I wasn’t able to pee before the race started because there was only one potty and it was apparently super disgusting, and my head just wasn’t in the game… but I still ran a good, hard race. I knew there wasn’t a ton of people running the 5k so I actually thought I might place in the top 3 in my bracket. I worked hard to pass a couple ladies ahead of me and stay ahead of another one… only to find out they were all in older age brackets than me, and I was a full six minutes behind the next girl in my bracket. That was a bit of a bummer.

I ran in a new pair of leggings this time that I picked up at Ross Dress for Less for $15. They were advertised as having a cell phone pocket, however my phone would NOT safely and securely fit in them. But, my Tandem insulin pump and 4 rolls of Smarties fit in there perfectly. I decided to forego the FlipBelt and Spibelt and run with my iPhone in-hand.

I also recently picked up a pair of AirPods at the urging of my husband (because working out at the gym with headphones cords was difficult) and that was a great decision as well. No more cords bouncing all over the place while I was running!

My blood sugar started a bit high so I left my basal at my normal rate and by the end of the race, I was back in range. I had only just dropped low when we got to breakfast so it worked out perfectly. (And then I dropped low again right before lunch lol)

I did not PR this race, but I still beat all my race times from last year as well as my May race this year. Overall I’m proud of myself and my progress.

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Filed under fitness, Real life, Running

001. The First of Many

Today I ran my first 5K.

I know, I have a post called “A Non-Runner’s Review of the Flip Belt.” But after visiting Frank and his family over the summer and seeing him get up at 4am and run, like, 8 miles every single day, I was inspired to try it. I ran a couple times in the fall, but gave up when it got cold.

Then this spring we started a weight loss challenge at work. I joined because you get $25 at the end of the 90 days if you don’t miss more than 1 weigh-in and I figured I can buy a lot of Taco Bell with $25.

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Filed under Running, Support system

Photo Swap

Facebook has been a wonderful way to meet people in different communities – I’ve met a ton of people through the DOC (Diabetic Online Community) through various Facebook groups, but I’ve also made connections with numerous photographers as well. Most of the photographers are very far away from me, however I met a lady named Sarah who lives only an hour and a half away from me.


Just recently, we were able to meet up (finally!) for a trade session – we took photos of Sarah and her husband, Chris, and she took photos of Allen and I.

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Filed under Fashion, LeWayne Productions, Real life

Behind-the-Scenes of Fall 2014

I am a terrible blogger. I knew I uploaded these photos, but apparently I never actually posted the post. So, here are some of the random behind the scenes photos I found while editing all the weddings we did at the tail end of last year.

This is me talking with the videographer at a wedding in Detroit. It was a 10 hour wedding, our longest so far. It was such a blast!

This is also from the Detroit wedding. The guy who caught the garter had to also remove it from the girl who caught the bouquet. They didn’t know each other. It was awkward and hilarious!

One more from the Detroit wedding. Allen was testing the flash to get some awesome motion shots of people dancing and said “hey!” so this was me in the middle of turning around to see what he wanted and being blinded by the flash.

This is from a golf course wedding in Saginaw. I shot this wedding alone, but Allen was there when I needed a break to check my sugar, etc. So I made him my stand-in to get my exposure for the family / group photos while the receiving line was finishing.

This is from a Kalamazoo wedding in October for a friend from college. The church was absolutely gorgeous. Allen and the groom were talking in the balcony while I was taking some shots of the church.

Here’s another from the Kalamazoo wedding. The bride was getting ready, and I caught my own reflection in the mirror. Of course these end up getting either cropped or deleted, but not without a giggle.

Last one from the Kalamazoo wedding. Allen was getting the girls in place for some gorgeous airplane photos.

Our first 2015 wedding is just a couple weeks away, so I’m sure I’ll have more fun bloopers and behind the scenes photos soon. I’m excited for this year! It’s gonna be a great one.

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Filed under Photography

Insulin Pump Fashion

It can be a challenge to wear cute clothes while attached to a pager-like device that keeps you alive. However, it is not impossible. So, ladies… here’s a peek into some of the ways I wear my pump and still feel cute!

1. Loud and Proud

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On those days when I don’t care who sees my pump or what they think of it, I wear it facing outward, attached to my pocket or waistband. This is great for days when I am with close friends or family, or I am in a hurry and just don’t care. It’s also the best for days when I’m using the Enlite CGM and need quick access to my graph on my pump. (It can also be worn in the pocket with the clip hooked to the outside of the pocket, but this is less accessible).

2. Hidden in Plain View

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My Flipbelt has made it where I can wear my pump in the belt over a dress and have many people not even realize it contains a medical device. This has been wonderful for photographing weddings. I can keep my pump on vibrate and feel it much more easily and consistently than if it were in a pocket.

3. Out of Sight, Out of Mind

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This is the awesome part about being female and living in a place where it is cold for way too much of the year – I can attach my pump to my bra between the girls. Bustier women can get away with just doing that, but I have to wear a scarf over mine to hide the “pump bump.” This isn’t a very good solution for times when I’m using the CGM, or going out to eat in public, for obvious reasons, but it’s great for the days when I just want to look and feel “normal.”

Here are just a few of the ways to wear a pump and still look and feel great! Be confident and you can rock any style!

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Filed under Fashion, Real life

Be Nice to Photographers in October.

…They have a lot of crop to deal with.

I saw that somewhere on Facebook, and it is so true! We shot four weddings, a maternity session and a couple’s session in September. Yesterday we shot our last wedding of 2014, today is an engagement session and another engagement session next weekend. I actually can’t import the wedding I just shot on my computer because I am out of free space!


(a behind the scenes photo from yesterday’s wedding with a fighter jet!)

To say we’re busy would be an understatement. That is why my blog hasn’t been very active lately. However, I have some great blog posts on the horizon. Just gotta get through busy season (and try to manage my blood sugars in the process)! 😉

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Filed under LeWayne Productions, Photography, Real life

A Little Less Alone

I love meeting other type 1 diabetics in person. Growing up, I only knew of a couple kids in my school who had T1, and I wasn’t friends with most of them. One I was, but all I knew is that his pancreas sucked (because he had a t-shirt that said it) and sometimes he’d have to take a break from playing tuba to eat something. Even now, I know only a handful of T1’s in my city and rarely see or talk to any of them.

So when I have the opportunity to meet another T1, I’ll do almost anything to make it happen.


This is Jade. She’s had T1 for 13 years, having been diagnosed several years after her brother was. Yet she’s a DJ for WRIF out of Detroit, on top of being a wedding DJ on the side.

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Filed under publicity, Support system

Flipbelt in Action

We shot a wedding this weekend about three hours from home for a friend from high school. 


I used my Flipbelt for the first time on a photoshoot (Previously I would just wear a skirt/shirt combo and clip it to my skirt). This enabled me to wear a dress!!! Woo! The bride and groom know I’m diabetic, and when I showed the bride my pump in my belt, she exclaimed “I thought that was just a cute sash! I had no idea your pump was in it!”


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Vacation Day… Zero? – Crazy storms, an old friend, and deep dish pizza.


Our vacation has begun!

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Filed under Support system, vacation